Program consulting, design, implementation, energy services
Gas Appliance Rebate Program
Frontier Energy implements Atmos Energy’s Mid-Tex Gas Appliance Rebate Program, which offers rebates for residential and small commercial customers, and for certain commercial gas cooking appliances.
Frontier Energy implements utility Rebate Programs, which offer rebates for residential and small commercial customers, and for certain commercial gas cooking appliances. Frontier annually proposes updates to the program, including changes to eligible measures, incentive levels, and participation processes. Recently, Frontier proposed and implemented new methods to enable new single- and multifamily home builders to participate in the program, resulting in a doubling of the program’s annual reach. Through 2019, these programs have processed over 8,000 applications and issued almost $2 million in incentives. Residents and businesses saved approximately 500,000 therms of natural gas energy.
Frontier Energy:
- Calculates savings and cost effectiveness of eligible measures and proposes new measures and rebate levels for each program year.
- Designs and manages online and printed rebate applications.
- Handles all aspects of turnkey rebate processing and payment.
- Receives and reviews each application for eligibility and completeness.
- Staffs a rebate help desk with email and telephone support in English and Spanish.
- Conducts QA/QC, including on-site inspections.
- Reports program status to utilities on a monthly and quarterly basis.
- Assists utilities in reporting program costs and savings to regulatory authorities and other national research entities.